Thursday, September 18, 2008

Second & Third Week: The heart of a College Student...the adventure continues

I've discovered listening. Listening to God, listening to people, listening to creation. What beauty God shows in the quiet. All my efforts to be heard fade, all the emotions, die out, in the obedience of sitting still to be in His presence.

My days of college have indeed been full of listening. Listening to instructors, friends, music and the ever faithful tower off-time tower bell near the ACU's bible building. I love that old thing. My schedule is smoothing out into a steady cadence of classes, studying, building relationships, church and prayer. I've decided for the this month at least I am not going work, or get involved anything other than my classes and pouring into the lives of the beautiful people around me. The beauty of trust is enveloping me with sweet surrender. I feel so humbled and unworthy though at times that God is faithful, though I am not.

Every morning brings me a little closer to His heart, even in the times I've felt extremely far, and they have come...even within the few short weeks I've been here. But the strength of fellowship is building my faith. God is already surrounding me with an incredible circle of brothers and sisters. I'm blown away how HE showers love around me.

My classes are going good. Amidst growing challenges I am finding peace and rest...even when my body does not feel exactly rested. One more day and then I have the weekend.

And that about sums up this time of my life, though I really have only scratched the surface of the ocean God has dropped me into. I wish I could capture every moment, every little word, every discovery, every face into a multi-layered picture. It would be beautiful beyond words.

...and so my adventure continues...

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